Design-Aire was responsible for an initial survey and subsequent renovation projects at the US Air Line Maintenance Facility. Areas involved were line maintenance, USAir Club, tricherator, and Reservation Area. Electronic sensing of organic compounds from jet engine exhaust was utilized to temporarily close outside air handling units when exhaust fumes were sensed. This successfully maintained clean ventilation air for the space.
Greenwood Municipal Airport
This new office facility and terminal with maintenance hanger included design of process air piping, radiant hanger heating, ventilating and cooling units with occupancy of outside air.
Air National Guard, POL Improvements
This was a $500,000 project modifying duel dispensing system that include high efficiency pump motor replacement, variable frequency drive pump control, replacement of fuel recovery system, and related piping and valve revisions. Also included were modifications to the (2) 10,000 gallon JP-8 fuel storage tanks, and upgrade of site lighting and control system.
Atlantic International/Kitty Hawk Airways
Maintenance Facility:
Responsible for mechanical, electrical and plumbing design, process power, lubricant, and compressed air systems design for regional maintenance facility.
De-icing Facility:
Responsible for design of bulk glycol delivery and storage system, mixing controls, and dispensing tower. Unique valve controls provided capability of providing a precision glycol/water mix for economic and environmental reasons.